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Il s’agit certainement de la plus belle RT5 présente aux USA aujourd’hui.
Cette superbe formula Super Vee a été reconstruite et entretenue par Bob Morris.
Propulsée par un moteur VW 1835 basé sur Bertils. Boîte de vitesses Mk5 à 5 vitesses.
Gros freons et pneus avant de 8 pouces et arrière de 10 pouces qui ont été spécifiés lorsque SV est passé à la classe Atlantique de la formule SCCA.
Elle dispose également d’une injections électroniques REDLINE développée par RPM.
Pneus et pignons de rechange, nez de rechange, montants de rechange.
Possibilité bloc de rechange avec supplément. Plus de détails et photos sur demande.
Nous avons entretenu cette voiture pendant plus de 15 ans avec trois propriétaires différents, nous en connaissons tous les détails.
Nous nous chargeons de la logistique d’expédition comme nous le faisons pour plus de 90 % de nos ventes dans le monde.
Ralt RT5 Super Vee offered for sale.
This is the nicest complete RT5 in the country today.
GREAT success `along the way, this is very fast, now lowered today 04/21/2023 to $44,900 RALT RT5 1985 $49,000 NOW $44,900!
The driver had great success with this car! He is the 2015 SVRA Group 9F2 champion at COTA, 2015 champion HSR/SVRA, recipient of the “BRECHT BMW Memorial” award, and the 2013 and 2014 VARA FSV3 Class Champion!
This is the nicest complete RT5 in the country today. A Bertils based 1835 , that was rebuilt and maintained by Bob Morris. Mk5 5 speed gearbox, bigger brakes and the 8 inch front and 10 inch rear tires that were spec’d when SV moved up to SCCA formula Atlantic class. It also has the REDLINE electronic fuel injects that RPM worked with REDLINE to perfect. Spare tires and gears, spare nose , spare uprights, spare identical long block for extra money. More details and pictures upon request. WE have maintained this car for over 15 years with three different owners, every detail about it is known to us.
Some history, winner at Blackhawk.
This superb formal V was rebuilt and maintained by Bob Morris.
Powered by a Bertils based 1835 VW Engine. Mk5 5 speed gearbox, bigger brakes and the 8 inch front and 10 inch rear tires that were spec’d when SV moved up to SCCA formula Atlantic class.
It also has the REDLINE electronic fuel injects that RPM worked with REDLINE to perfect.
Spare tires and gears, spare nose , spare uprights, spare identical long block for extra money. More details and pictures upon request.
We have maintained this car for over 15 years with three different owners, every detail about it is known to us.
Some history, winner at Blackhawk.
We set up thee shipping logistics for over 90% of our sales worldwide, we are happy to help!
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