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Cette voiture fut achetée par James Garner fin 1967.
Elle n’a que très rarement couru en SCCA Can-Am, mise à part en 1978 pour un événement.
C’est en 1981 qu’elle commencera une belle carrière en course historique, qui durera jusqu’en 2017.
Moteur construit par Lozano Brothers.
Pour plus de renseignements, merci de nous contacter.
Lola T160-12 Can-Am offered for sale.
This is Lola T160-12. This car was purchased new by actor James Garner’s American International Racers team in late 1967. The team never raced the car. This car never did a single SCCA Can Am event. It did eventually race in SCCA club racing’s ASR class in 1978.
Starting in 1981, it began appearing at vintage racing events and has been raced in off and on until 2017. It is powered by a Lozano Brothers built, 377 cubic inch all Aluminum small block Chevrolet with Lucas mechanical fuel injection.
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