Chevron B8 1968 [Vendu]
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En 1968. Barrie avait initialement prévu de construire une Mercury GT basée sur Lotus, mais a pensé que la construction était au-dessus de ses moyens, alors à la place, il a contacté Derek Bennett chez Chevron Cars et a passé une commande pour une B8 qui a été construite en un temps record.
Peinte en bleu foncé et équipé d’un Ford Twin-Cam Vegantune de 1600cc, il l’a engagée dans de nombreuses courses sous la bannière Avalon Racing.
Barrie a piloté DBE-56 dans 23 épreuves en un peu plus de 4 mois de juin 68 à début octobre.
Il a remporté 8 courses, dont le GP du Danemark (la 1ère victoire internationale de Chevron !), et terminé 2e à neuf reprises, 3e à quatre reprises, tout en remportant 15 victoires de classe au passage.
Par deux fois , il n’a pas terminé, mais il a remporté le championnat Total GT.
En 1969, Barrie a remplacé sa voiture pour un nouveau modèle (toujours uen B8), et il a vendu la DBE-56 à David Purley qui entrait dans la classe prototype après avoir déjà piloté une Cobra dans la classe GT.
Lors de sa première saison avec la Chevron il rencontrâtes une myriade de problèmes de moteur, y compris deux explosions coûteuses qui ont nécessité le passage à une unité BMW de 2000 cm3 à la mi-saison.
Malgré cela, il a réussi à obtenir un succès limité dans le championnat Motoring News GT en remportant une victoire à Castle Combe, une 2e place à Brands Hatch, une 3e à Mallory Park et 3 victoires de classe.
Après avoir couru seulement deux fois avec la B8 en 1970, David a vendu la voiture à un coureur allemand appelé Steckther. Steckther n’a gardé la voiture que quelques mois, la donnant à Bobby Howlings, un marchand, qui l’a vendue en 1971 – maintenant peinte en rouge – aux coureurs britanniques du club Roy Seddon et Peter Raffo.
À cette époque, la B8 était quelque peu vénérable et surclassée par les nouvelles B16 et B19, et de ce fait elle n’a couru qu’une demi-douzaine de fois, y compris à la Targa Florio en 1971, où la paire a réussi à terminer malgré une panne d’essence.
DBE-56 est ensuite restée inutilisée pendant la plus grande partie de 1972 jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit achetée pour 850 £ par le coureur automobile britannique Dave Brodie en novembre de la même année. Dave a emmené la voiture jusqu’aux Caraïbes pour quelques courses de fin de saison qui offraient une bonne prime de départ et des prix en argent. Dave a gagné sur le circuit du Dakota du Sud en Guyane et a terminé deuxième à Bushy Park à la Barbade, puis il a vendu la B8 au pilote de rallye local Mike Mahon pour 1400.
Mahon ne semble pas avoir utilisé la B8 avant qu’il ne la revende à un autre local du nom de Haynes, lequel a caché la voiture dans un vieux poulailler alors qu’il était en proie à la gestion d’un divorce difficile. Elle était dans un état délabré, mais avec son châssis et sa carrosserie d’origine montrant toujours la livrée Brodie de 1972. DBE-56 a été ramenée au Royaume-Uni au début Années 80 (date exacte inconnue) où le propriétaire de la Barbade prévoyait de faire restaurer la voiture pour sa course. A force de temps passé, il réalisas qu’il était trop vieux pour courir, et il décida de vendre la B8 en 2007 au directeur de Chevron de l’époque, Chris Smith, qui – avec l’aide de Simon Hope de H&H – a revendu vendu la voiture à l’actuel propriétaire britannique.
Une reconstruction complète sur un nouveau châssis Chevron d’origine a ensuite été entreprise par Kelvin Jones et Paul Smallcorn, au cours desquelles ils ont transféré autant de pièces que possible de la voiture d’origine sur le nouveau châssis et ont installé un moteur BMW Lester Owen de 2 litres.
Une fois la reconstruction achevée, le DBE-56 a fait sa réapparition sur la scène (historique) des courses où elle a été entretenue par le célèbre préparateur Richard Wallbyoff de RW Racing Services jusqu’à aujourd’hui.
Il est important de savoir que les restes originaux de DBE- 56, y compris son châssis d’origine (avec numéro de cadre Arch), la plaque de châssis, la selle, le réservoir de carburant, la carrosserie et le panneau supérieur du tableau de bord viennent avec la voiture et ont été authentifiés par Tim Colman de Chevron Heritage Ltd qui a également délivré un certificat d’authenticité pour DBE-56.
Cette exceptionnelle Chevron B8 est vendue en excellent état, prête pour la course avec un HTP FIA actuel et de bonnes pièces de rechange, y compris des roues et un échappement silencieux.
Le moteur Lester Owen BMW n’a que 6 heures de fonctionnement. Elle n’a besoin que d’une mise à jour de l’extincteur et de nouveaux harnais que le vendeur se fera un plaisir de fournir.
Enfin et surtout, le DBE-56 est également livré avec un fichier historique complet (plus de 200 pages). C’est une occasion rare d’acheter une Chevron B8 avec un historique de course significatif. Une voiture propre et éprouvée qui est prête à être appréciée par son nouveau propriétaire dans l’une des nombreuses courses historiques auxquelles elle est éligible.
Race History:
02/06/68: Brands Hatch, Tootal GT, #82, B.Smith – 1st * 10 laps
03/06/68: Snetterton, BRSCC Libre, #86, B.Smith – 2nd 8 laps
03/06/68: Snetterton, Tootal GT, #86, B.Smith – 2nd * 8 laps
09/06/68: Brands Hatch, Special GT & Prodsports, B.Smith – 2nd 10 laps
23/06/68: Silverstone, Motoring News GT, #114, B.Smith – 2nd * 15 laps
13/07/68: Oulton Park, Tootal GT, B.Smith – 1st * 10 laps
14/07/68: Mallory Park, Special GT, #136, B.Smith – 2nd 10 laps
20/07/68: Lydden, Special GT & Prodsports – B.Smith – 1st * 12 laps
20/07/68: Lydden, Sports Racing & GT – B.Smith – 1st * 12 laps
21/07/68: Brands Hatch, Special GT, #66, B.Smith – 2nd * 15 laps
28/07/68: Mallory Park, Tootal GT, #133, B.Smith – 3rd * 12 laps
03/08/68: Crystal Palace, GT – B.Smith – 2nd 10 laps
04/08/68: Thruxton, Motoring News GT, #225, B.Smith – 3rd 8 laps
11/08/68: Mallory Park, Tootal GT, #134, B.Smith – 2nd * 30 laps
25/08/68: Danish GP, Jyllandsring, #21, B.Smith – 1st * 40 laps
31/08/68: Lubysil Trophy, Silverstone, #216, B.Smith – 3rd * 20 laps
31/08/68: Pontins Trophy, Silverstone, #216, B.Smith – 2nd 10 laps
02/09/68: Snetterton, Tootal GT, #157, B.Smith – 1st * 15 laps
02/09/68: Snetterton, F Libre, #157 B.Smith – 1st * 10 laps
14/09/68: Crystal Palace, Motoring News GT – B.Smith – Rtd 1 lap
22/09/68: Brands Hatch, Special GT, #99, B.Smith – 1st * 10 laps
29/09/68: Brands Hatch, Tootal GT – B.Smith – 3rd * 10 laps
13/10/68: Preis von Tirol Innsbruck – Vienna, #24, B.Smith Rtd (spun)Lec Refrigeration
09/03/69: Mallory Park, GT – D.Purley 6th
05/04/69: Rufforth, Special GT – D.Purley – DNA did not arrive
04/05/69: Thruxton, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – 6th * 12 laps
10/05/69: Castle Combe, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – 1st * 10 laps
18/05/69: Brands Hatch, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – DNS (practice crash)
26/05/69: Thruxton, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – DNS (engine)
01/06/69: Silverstone, GT – D.Purley – Rtd spun
08/06/69: Mallory Park, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – 3rd * 10 laps
15/06/69: Silverstone, Sports Racing & GT – D.Purley – DNA did not arrive
29/06/69: Dixon Cade Trophy, Brands Hatch – D.Purley – Rtd (oil pressure)
12/07/69: Castle Combe, Sports Racing & GT – D.Purley – Rtd (blown engine)
17/08/69: Mallory Park, STP GT – D.Purley – DNS oil leak
24/08/69: Silverstone, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – DNA did not arrive
31/08/69: Oulton Park, STP GT & Prodsports – D.Purley – Rtd (engine)
07/09/69: Brands Hatch, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – 2nd 10 laps
13/09/69: BRS Trophy, Crystal Palace – D.Purley – Rtd (engine)
21/09/69: Wessex Trophy, Thruxton – D.Purley – 4th 20 laps
28/09/69: Silverstone, Special GT – D.Purley – 5th 14 laps
05/10/69: Mallory Park, Motoring News GT, #47, D.Purley – Rtd (engine)
30/03/70: Embassy Trophy, Thruxton, #22, D.Purley – Rtd (overheating)
12/04/70: BOAC 1000 Kms, Brands Hatch, #24, D.Purley/C.Skeaping – Rtd (oil pipe)John Raffo
14/03/71: Thruxton, Castrol MNGT – P.Raffo – 6th 8 laps
20/03/71: Oulton Park, Sports & Special GT, #113, R.Seddon – Rtd (electrics)
04/04/71: Silverstone, Castrol MNGT, #219, J.Raffo – 14th
09/04/71: Oulton Park, RAC British, #77, R.Seddon – 8th 17 laps
12/04/71: Thruxton, RAC British – R.Seddon – 12th 21 laps
16/05/71: Targa Florio Italy, #35, R.Seddon/J.Raffo 38th 8 laps
05/06/71: Martini Trophy, Silverstone, #52, R.Seddon – DNA (reserve)
10/07/71: Jock Leith Trophy, Croft, #31, R.Seddon – DNS (did not start)
08/08/71: Croft, Castrol MNGT, J.Raffo – DNA did not arriveBOAC Team Speedbird
05/11/72: South Dakota, Guyana, #92, D.Brodie – 2nd
19/11/72: Bushy Park, Barbados, #92, D.Brodie – 1st* = including class win …
We have the pleasure to offer for sale the ex-Barrie Smith, ex-David Purely Danish Grand Prix winning & Targa Florio 1968 Chevron B8.
This Chevron B8, chassis DBE-56, is the car British club racer Barrie Smith used to great effect during 1968. Barrie had originally planned in building up a Lotus based Mercury GT, but figured the build was beyond his means, so instead contacted Derek Bennett at Chevron Cars and placed an order for a B8 which was built-up in double quick time.
Painted dark blue and fitted with a Vegantune 1600cc Ford Twin-Cam and entered under the Avalon Racing banner, Barrie raced DBE-56 in 23 events in a little over 4 months from June 68 through to early October.He won 8 races outright, including the Danish GP (Chevron’s 1st international win!), as well as finishing 2nd nine times, 3rd four times, and taking 15 class wins in the process. He only failed to finish twice, but did win the Tootal GT Championship.
Barrie replaced the car for 1969 with another Chevron B8 and sold DBE-56 to David Purley who was moving into the prototype class after previously racing a Cobra in the GT class.
Although still competitive in club racing and quick enough, Purley had a somewhat fraught season with the Chevron due to a myriad of engine problems, including two expensive blow-ups which necessitated a switch to a 2000cc BMW unit mid-season. Despite this, he did manage to achieve limited success in the Motoring News GT championship achieving a win at Castle Combe, a 2nd place at Brands Hatch, a 3rd at Mallory Park and 3 class wins.
After only racing the B8 twice in 1970 David sold the car to a German racer called Steckther. Steckther only kept the car for a few months giving it to dealer Bobby Howlings who sold it in 1971 – now painted red – to club UK racers Roy Seddon and Peter Raffo.By now though, the B8 was somewhat venerable and outclassed by the newer B16 and B19 models and was only raced half-a-dozen times, including the 71 Targa Florio where the pair managed to finish despite running out of fuel on the far side of the circuit and losing time whilst a local fetched a petrol can and enough fuel for the car to make it back to the pits.
DBE-56 then sat unused for the greater part of 1972 until being bought for 850 by British salon car racer Dave Brodie in November of that year. Dave took the car all the way to the Caribbean for a couple of end-of-season races which were offering good start and prize money. Dave won at the South Dakota circuit in Guyana and finished second at Bushy Park in Barbados and then sold the B8 to local rally driver Mike Mahon for 1400.
Mahon doesnt appear to have raced the B8 before selling it to another local by the name of Haynes who hid the car in an old chicken shed as he was going to a difficult divorce settlement.In dilapidated shed-condition but with its original chassis and bodywork still showing the 1972 Brodie livery, DBE-56 was brought back to the UK in the early 80ies (exact date unknown) where the Barbados owner was planning to have the car restored for his racing.
After some further lingering and realizing he was probably too old to race, DBE-56 was sold in 2007 to then Chevron Director Chris Smith who – with help from H&H’s Simon Hope – sold the car to the current UK owner.
A full rebuild on a new genuine Chevron chassis was subsequently undertaken by Kelvin Jones and Paul Smallcorn whereby they transferred as many parts as possible from the original car onto the new chassis and installed a 2 liter Lester Owen BMW engine. When the rebuild was finished, DBE-56 made its re-appearance on the (historic) racing scene where it has been looked after by renowned preparer Richard Wallbyoff of RW Racing Services until today.
Important to know is that the original remains of DBE-56 including its original chassis (with Arch frame number), chassis plate, seat, fuel tank, body work and dash top panel remain with the car and have been authenticated by Tim Colman of Chevron Heritage Ltd who has also issued a Certificate of Authenticity for DBE-56.
This exceptional Chevron B8 is sold in excellent, race-ready condition with a current FIA HTP and good spares including wheels and silenced exhaust. The Lester Owen BMW engine has only 6 hours running. It only needs a fire extinguisher update and new belts which the seller will be happy to provide.
Last but not least, DBE-56 also comes with an extensive (200+ pages) history file.This is a rare opportunity to buy an historically significant Chevron B8 with a clean and proven 5 star race record which is ready to be enjoyed by its new owner in any of the many historic races it is eligible for.
Ownership History:
06/68: Barrie Smith, Avalon Garage, High Street, Garlinge, Thanet, Kent, UKpainted dark bluefitted with Vegantune Ford Twin-Cam 1600cc 4Centered by Avalon Racing
1968 – raced by Barrie Smithraced in 23 events – won 8 races – 15 class winsfinished second 9 times – finished third 4 times
03/69: David Purley, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, UKsponsored by Lec Refrigeration1969 – raced by David Purleyoriginally raced with Vegantune Ford Twin-Cam 1600cc 4CAug 69 – re-engined with BMW 2000cc 4Cwon 1 race, finished 2nd once, finished 3rd once3 class winsraced only twice in 1970 including BOAC 1000 Kms
03/71: John Raffo, Guilford, UKrepainted red – raced 7 times in 1971driven by Roy Seddon, John & Peter Rafforaced 1971 Targa Florio
10/72: David Brodie, Harrow, Greater London, UKpurchased for 850£ entered by BOAC Team Speedbird
1972 – raced twice at South Dakota, Guyana & Bushy Park, Barbadossold for 14000£
1/73: Mike Mahon, Barbadoslocal rally driver – B8 apparently never racedmid 70s: Mr Haynes, Barbadosnever used – abandoned in a chicken shedearly
80s: Chevron Cars, Bolton, UKEarly 80s: Chris Smith (UK)recovered and imported back to the UK and placed in dry storage
10/09: Current owner (UK)restored in 2010 by Kevin Jones & Paul Smallcorn – painted dark blueraced in historics – prepared by RW Racing Services Ltd.
Race History:
02/06/68: Brands Hatch, Tootal GT, #82, B.Smith – 1st * 10 laps
03/06/68: Snetterton, BRSCC Libre, #86, B.Smith – 2nd 8 laps
03/06/68: Snetterton, Tootal GT, #86, B.Smith – 2nd * 8 laps
09/06/68: Brands Hatch, Special GT & Prodsports, B.Smith – 2nd 10 laps
23/06/68: Silverstone, Motoring News GT, #114, B.Smith – 2nd * 15 laps
13/07/68: Oulton Park, Tootal GT, B.Smith – 1st * 10 laps
14/07/68: Mallory Park, Special GT, #136, B.Smith – 2nd 10 laps
20/07/68: Lydden, Special GT & Prodsports – B.Smith – 1st * 12 laps
20/07/68: Lydden, Sports Racing & GT – B.Smith – 1st * 12 laps
21/07/68: Brands Hatch, Special GT, #66, B.Smith – 2nd * 15 laps
28/07/68: Mallory Park, Tootal GT, #133, B.Smith – 3rd * 12 laps
03/08/68: Crystal Palace, GT – B.Smith – 2nd 10 laps
04/08/68: Thruxton, Motoring News GT, #225, B.Smith – 3rd 8 laps
11/08/68: Mallory Park, Tootal GT, #134, B.Smith – 2nd * 30 laps
25/08/68: Danish GP, Jyllandsring, #21, B.Smith – 1st * 40 laps
31/08/68: Lubysil Trophy, Silverstone, #216, B.Smith – 3rd * 20 laps
31/08/68: Pontins Trophy, Silverstone, #216, B.Smith – 2nd 10 laps
02/09/68: Snetterton, Tootal GT, #157, B.Smith – 1st * 15 laps
02/09/68: Snetterton, F Libre, #157 B.Smith – 1st * 10 laps
14/09/68: Crystal Palace, Motoring News GT – B.Smith – Rtd 1 lap
22/09/68: Brands Hatch, Special GT, #99, B.Smith – 1st * 10 laps
29/09/68: Brands Hatch, Tootal GT – B.Smith – 3rd * 10 laps
13/10/68: Preis von Tirol Innsbruck – Vienna, #24, B.Smith Rtd (spun)Lec Refrigeration
09/03/69: Mallory Park, GT – D.Purley 6th
05/04/69: Rufforth, Special GT – D.Purley – DNA did not arrive
04/05/69: Thruxton, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – 6th * 12 laps
10/05/69: Castle Combe, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – 1st * 10 laps
18/05/69: Brands Hatch, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – DNS (practice crash)
26/05/69: Thruxton, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – DNS (engine)
01/06/69: Silverstone, GT – D.Purley – Rtd spun
08/06/69: Mallory Park, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – 3rd * 10 laps
15/06/69: Silverstone, Sports Racing & GT – D.Purley – DNA did not arrive
29/06/69: Dixon Cade Trophy, Brands Hatch – D.Purley – Rtd (oil pressure)
12/07/69: Castle Combe, Sports Racing & GT – D.Purley – Rtd (blown engine)
17/08/69: Mallory Park, STP GT – D.Purley – DNS oil leak
24/08/69: Silverstone, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – DNA did not arrive
31/08/69: Oulton Park, STP GT & Prodsports – D.Purley – Rtd (engine)
07/09/69: Brands Hatch, Motoring News GT – D.Purley – 2nd 10 laps
13/09/69: BRS Trophy, Crystal Palace – D.Purley – Rtd (engine)
21/09/69: Wessex Trophy, Thruxton – D.Purley – 4th 20 laps
28/09/69: Silverstone, Special GT – D.Purley – 5th 14 laps
05/10/69: Mallory Park, Motoring News GT, #47, D.Purley – Rtd (engine)
30/03/70: Embassy Trophy, Thruxton, #22, D.Purley – Rtd (overheating)
12/04/70: BOAC 1000 Kms, Brands Hatch, #24, D.Purley/C.Skeaping – Rtd (oil pipe)John Raffo
14/03/71: Thruxton, Castrol MNGT – P.Raffo – 6th 8 laps
20/03/71: Oulton Park, Sports & Special GT, #113, R.Seddon – Rtd (electrics)
04/04/71: Silverstone, Castrol MNGT, #219, J.Raffo – 14th
09/04/71: Oulton Park, RAC British, #77, R.Seddon – 8th 17 laps
12/04/71: Thruxton, RAC British – R.Seddon – 12th 21 laps
16/05/71: Targa Florio Italy, #35, R.Seddon/J.Raffo 38th 8 laps
05/06/71: Martini Trophy, Silverstone, #52, R.Seddon – DNA (reserve)
10/07/71: Jock Leith Trophy, Croft, #31, R.Seddon – DNS (did not start)
08/08/71: Croft, Castrol MNGT, J.Raffo – DNA did not arriveBOAC Team Speedbird
05/11/72: South Dakota, Guyana, #92, D.Brodie – 2nd
19/11/72: Bushy Park, Barbados, #92, D.Brodie – 1st* = including class win …
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